
Thursday, 21 April 2011

Audience Feedback

We sent out a rough draft of our programme to 5 individuals via Facebook and asked for some feedback in terms of what they liked and didn't like, what they would do to improve, whether they would watch the programme etc.
Here are our 5 responses;

Leanne Kitchen
"The opening titles are very good and the music sounds very 'news like', however it cut off too dramatically when it shows the presenters, it could be faded out to make the transition better.
Also, when some locations are shown such as the Lucorum, I think that there could be a bit of a description about what is shown, such as a title of the location or how it relates to the story.
The shots of the rugby, the golf and musician are all really well done and looks professional."

Maria Burton
"Good choice of stories and a good wide range. Interviews need either shortening or breaking up cos they get a bit boring because they are one long shot"

Tom Hodgson
"Loved the formality and style of the programme, very original and unique. Liked the title sequence but thought the interviews were too long. Also thought some titles would help to show who certain people are and what the locations are."

Ben Thornton
"A good all round start, needs sligthtly editing in terms of transitions etc for a smoother more professional looking programme."

Michael Betton
"Needs more shots in the interviews and maybe titles in certain places like over the interviewees and that. Good use of locations and costume though and good choice of young presenters and Barnsley accents. I'd definately watch it."

George Trepczyk
"I do like the intro of the news broadcast as it somehow has the main buildings that people remember Barnsley for. The sound though might need a bit of work on it as it varies and isn't constant which you would expect from a news program. The generally the shots are pretty neat, and they don't really need any work on them. Everything was presented well and without the difference of sound you would really think it was different to a typical news broadcast"

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