New media technologies have enhanced the capabilities of equipment to create more continuous, better quality finishes adding the bonus of more diverse shots, editing and research. To create a good quality news broadcast research is key; you have to know how to put it together, and how the public will react to your news channel, researching what they would like. The internet has developed now over the last ten years with the likes of Google, apple, Microsoft leading the way we used the internet to research many different news channels and key features of news, such as, the cast, mise en scene and genres of stories. I mainly used the search engine Google, which lead me to many various sites giving me lots of solid information.

To show our research, planning and evaluation we have subscribed to a blog to post all of our information and evidence. Uploading photos has been a key way of showing our methods and proving our media research. Likewise uploading videos to the website YouTube to show our public analysis, after uploading to YouTube I put the link on the blog. This is an obvious advance in media technology; it enables you to share your ideas and research with millions of people whilst showing an advance viewing and link to follow on your blog. Once constructing our news program together there were various technologies that helped us along and lack of some technologies that hindered our quick production. To capture our shots we used a Sony hdv100 camera which enabled us to zoom in and out recording in high definition. Another one of the cameras many features was to white balance all of our clips to make sure we had natural looking consistent light throughout the whole five minute broadcast. For one of our live interview shots a microphone feed had to be fed to the camera, thus enabling us to get a clear sound and block out other social and environmental interferences that cannot be controlled. New camera technology enables shots to be recorded and viewed in better quality, including sound quality.
Through our recording we were constantly cutting, and replacing scenes until we were happy with our final piece. New editing software on the apple mac (final cut), gave us the control to edit our news real at our own place, with features such as, cutting and adding new scenes, adding photographs, title sequences, music and over voices used in various areas. One key feature that stood out above the rest was one that enabled us to slow the pre recorded shot down and make it last longer to match the written text that was placed over it. Although technology has developed and made our media project easier to adapt to different scenarios, there are still some floors in technology or the lack of budget to gain technology that held us back. Such as, for our title sequence we would have preferred more diverse shots like Ariel skyline shots, as we have no budgets this would be very hard to achieve without the use of a Crain, helicopter etc.. Other technologies that could be improved are the sound recording, the program final cut did not allow us to layer sounds and recognise a voice to muffled background noises and separate them, possibly editing them out to create a smoother finish.

Other software such as garageband enabled us to create a radio tralier for our news programme. The trailer would consist of to average joe males haveing a conversation on a construction site. In order to re create the background noise we used a zoom hand held sound recorder to record seperate noises such as a hammer banging and drilling etc... Garageband enabled us to put the sounds together overlapping with the conversation and news theme music. This was very succesfull and without the new software and recording technoligy would have been possible.
(example of radio trailer, seconds 1-20)
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