what have you learned from your audience feedback?
Throughout the planning stage we made it out sole aim to attract a wider spread audience, also attracting a young fresher viewing audience. To do this different research had to be carried out, firstly we had to anylises the genre of news people allready viewed and find out the most popular viewing times. A short but detailed questionaire was given to 20 members of the public who ranged from an age of 15 to 62. We gained alot of useful information that was used and considered to develop our news show, for example most people preffered to watch the news around six o'clock, as this is the average time most of the public get home from work. Also what genre and formality of news they would feel comfortable viewing. The audience feedback was very useful as we wanted to make a channel with appeal to a younger audience, encorporating social backgrounds and to maintain a wide range of ages. We had to take into consideration, the genre of stories to be broadcast, mise on scene, the way we edited using special effects and the music. Different techniques were used to research the audiences opinion aswell as a paper questionaire, we used a GZMG 330 HDD camcorder to record the opinions of people form different sex, age and social backgrounds. The feedback was very mixed as we found people over 60 are less bothered how there news in shown, whereas the younger audience prefer a more vibrant modern feel to a news show as we see on camera. The main criteria we found for a news channel differed towards the younger theme, people feel more comfortable with a relaxed studio set, yet still prefer the presenters to look smart. Also the genre of news that is broadcast on the news either attracts or ditracts people from watching it, a younger audience prefer the lates sport and music whereas an older audience prefer national economy news, such as job losses and banks. This influenced us in the planning and production to create a channel that suited both needs as we used two sports stories, one music and one economy story, i feel we fully catered for a wide range of people.

(example of casual smart uniform in relaxed seated studio)
(example of audience research, planning stage)
The audience were kept in mind throughout the full planning and proiduction right through to the very end as we would like to have achieved a high rating. throughout the production ideas were experimented with as we took different shots and angles from many scenes to make sure we had a good range so we could create an interesting broadcast, such as shots from the rugby game and the golf course as we aimed to acheive high excitement shots to grip the audience to carry on viewing. Throughout the recording of several scenes the type of clothing we wore was essential to how we would like to represent our programme, so we used a mixed approach, yet again to cater for a wider audience yet keeping it light and modern.

(example of action shot)
Throughout the editing stages and final productions of our news programme we asked audience members to view our work and give us feedback, we did this also by using the GZMG 330 HDD camera. The audience members gave us some specific feedback about what they liked and how we could improve our work to suit there cultural tastes.
(example of audience feedback, final stage)
The feedback we got was very positive, the stories related to local people and the set up made us look proffesional, and the music made people feel comfortable. whilst in the late editing stage we were told by other pupils that more shots would be better for different topics to give a more diverse viewing aspect. After discussion with members off the group we edited parts of our draft work and overcame any forseeable problems with good team work and communication.Also we had to research the audiences cultural background as we are a local news station so we had to be specific to the local area, local stories also the presenters would have to relate to the audience by using the same expressions and obviously dialect.
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