What have you learned from your audience feedback?
throughout our research and production stages of making news programme audience feedback has been very important. Firstly we had to find out what people were looking for in a news programme and what lured them into a certain type and style of news show and story.
A GZ-MG 330 HDD camcorder was used to record the first research interviews with a varied age range of people. We then found out what certain people want and prefer from a news programme such as style, type of story, formality, set, costume etc. This then helped us greatly in how we could build our own news programme to reach a wider audience, entertain and inform without alienating a certain age group or even just concentrating on a certain age group too.
We had some good feedback from our interviews that helped us understand what an audience wants. Our interviewees especially the younger age groups said they prefer a more informal setting of news programme, for example they said they like to watch the news where presenters are sat on a sofa or arm chair style instead of been sat formally at a desk. They also said they preferred a more casual dress code for what the reporters wear and not always in suits and ties.
Also they like the idea of a more all round relaxed news programme with "easy going" news stories as well as the main "hard hitting" big headlines. Also using a large range of stories and not just the usual main headlines, some of our audience wanted different stories to others, so we took this into consideration of not just reporting on certain news and events. For example the older age range wanted more economy news and latest on the reccession where as the younger side wanted the latest news on bands and sport, so we tried to find a way to combine everyone's interests. Another idea we got from the audience research was showign our programme at six o'clock, most of our interviewees said thry watch the news around this time or when they have the time, usually after work or evening meal.
(First audience research video)
After listening to what the audience had said, we tried to intertwine all the ideas to suit all of our viewers and not just one certain niche market or people. We decided on a less formal studio and costume although still keeping up a sense of a smart businesslike presentaion to our viewers. Although we have gone for a more local approach to the news we have tried to cater to everyone's taste in news stories, for example local music news for a younger market, the nation wide reccession and how it has effected our region for the oler market and also added sport and light news stories for everyone's taste. We have tried to include something for everyone's tastes and styles.
We got some classmates to watch a rough edit of our news prgramme and tell us what they thought and if there were any improvements they could think of to help us become more succesful. Overall the feedback was posotive and if we had any criticism we would try and fix it to a better standard e.g. the problem that one person said is that in some interviews the shots were too long and some people could lose concentration and intrest with the story. So what we did was by putting in various angles and different shots but of the same story with the interviewee or interviewer talking over the shots made the story more interesting and broke up the story into different watchable sections.
throughout our research and production stages of making news programme audience feedback has been very important. Firstly we had to find out what people were looking for in a news programme and what lured them into a certain type and style of news show and story.

We had some good feedback from our interviews that helped us understand what an audience wants. Our interviewees especially the younger age groups said they prefer a more informal setting of news programme, for example they said they like to watch the news where presenters are sat on a sofa or arm chair style instead of been sat formally at a desk. They also said they preferred a more casual dress code for what the reporters wear and not always in suits and ties.

(First audience research video)
After listening to what the audience had said, we tried to intertwine all the ideas to suit all of our viewers and not just one certain niche market or people. We decided on a less formal studio and costume although still keeping up a sense of a smart businesslike presentaion to our viewers. Although we have gone for a more local approach to the news we have tried to cater to everyone's taste in news stories, for example local music news for a younger market, the nation wide reccession and how it has effected our region for the oler market and also added sport and light news stories for everyone's taste. We have tried to include something for everyone's tastes and styles.
We got some classmates to watch a rough edit of our news prgramme and tell us what they thought and if there were any improvements they could think of to help us become more succesful. Overall the feedback was posotive and if we had any criticism we would try and fix it to a better standard e.g. the problem that one person said is that in some interviews the shots were too long and some people could lose concentration and intrest with the story. So what we did was by putting in various angles and different shots but of the same story with the interviewee or interviewer talking over the shots made the story more interesting and broke up the story into different watchable sections.
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