4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Throughout our media project we have used a number of new technologies to help develop creative ideas, gain access to more in-depth research and organise planning in a very efficient way. During the research stage the Internet was used through Apple imac computers which gave us access to huge quantities of data to which could be used for research and to aid in planning. We used Blogger.com to create a blog to store all the research we collected and it enabled us to present our research in a very organised fashion. Using Blogger.com meant we were able to present information collected from the Internet as well as providing links to certain useful videos, soundbites and websites. We could also embed videos directly from YouTube onto Blogger.com which greatly help us in terms of time management and presentation of our research and planning. We also used a Samsung ST61 compact digital camera to go out to collect research by taking location photos, test shots, costume photos, prop photos etc. This was incredibly useful as we soon found out whether our ideas were achievable and whether o not certain locations we attainable.
The blog also came in use with easing the planning process as all our planning was easily developed on the Macs and stored onto our blogs on Blogger.com. We developed a script, shooting script and photo storyboard using Microsoft office programmes which easily allowed us to get our ideas across onto a written format. These were then uploaded to Blogger.com where they were then stored in an organised fashion for easy accessibility and storage. The Samsung ST61 compact digital cameras were again used during the planning stage to collect images of locations, props, shot tests, storyboard photos and character profiles. The cameras enabled us to to collect large quantities of imagery data in seconds and they could then be easily uploaded onto our blog to fully show our research and planning ideas. iMovie also enabled us to develop an animatic slide show to show our ideas fully for our storyboard.
The digital technologies used to create our media project also helped us create and develop ideas as we were able to see all our ideas organised in one place, Blogger.com. From there we could see where we needed to go and could then play with new cameras and editing software to see just how achievable our ideas were. All the research and planning was clearly priceless when it came to the construction process of our project. It was also at this stage where we realised whether or not our ideas were realistic and achievable as well as helping us to develop new ideas through trial and error. We started the construction phase by developing a logo on photoshop and it soon became evident was more than capable at achieving our ideas. The logo was then printed so a hard copy could be used to create a studio feel in our studio location as well as a copy on the Macs to use for our title sequence. When filming began we used a new camera, the Sony HDV 1000, which gave us a much sharper HD image than any camera previously used. The better picture quality and better zoom meant we were able to fully optimise the zoom function to achieve all our initial ideas for our title sequence. These ideas included some shots we previously believed to be too ambitious throughout or title sequence with shots of buildings, monuments and ariel shots. The Sony HDV 1000 also had an add-on microphone which greatly helped in terms of sound quality and also helped us to achieve some more shots where the audio is far from the camera. It also helped to single out certain audio where the reporters were a distance away from the camera and background noise may have over powered the primary audio. FinalCut, an editing software programme, was similarly used to develop our ideas with such new functions as wire framing, monochromatic imaging, still imaging and a new wide range of transitions. FinalCut was perfect for this and more, we were also able to smooth out sounds and make sound transmissions smoother for a more professional final product. Some of the audio in our shots finished very harshly and the audio transitions really helped in smoothing out these sounds to create a much more flowing professional programme.
Finally we created a radio trailer which was developed using the GarageBand programme. Using this programme enabled us to blend together many different sounds as we were aiming to create a construction site atmosphere. We first used a handheld sound recorder to record many different tool sounds idividually and then brought them together onto GarageBand. This enabled us to blend sounds together and mix them up for the most realistic construction site atmosphere. We were also able to tamper with sound levels to ensure our main voice audio was clearly audable over the background noise.
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