We generally followed the conventions of a real media production, we tried to make our media production realistic in the news story we were telling and in continuity, we aimed to deliver a news programme that would allow a audience of all ages to sit down and enjoy without having to pay full attention to each word said. Our aim was to appeal to a local area and give them a variety of news, both light hearted and national affairs. To give our news programme a local feel we used shots in our title sequence of local monuments and buildings, we felt this was using the conventions of a news programme because BBC and ITV do similar things on their regional news programmes, another thing we also did was include our news 6 logo throughout our media product to give it a professional touch.
(BBC regional news title sequence)
We see that the BBC have also used shots of a local area in their opening sequence.
(First 20-25 seconds is our title sequence)
Whilst filming our news programme we knew we didn't want to make it look amateur so we discussed the variety of shots we could use. In our product we have a variation of different shot, we used tilts and panning shots when establishing bulidings or locations, we always established a location before going into an interview, we didnt want their to be sharp transitions that seemed too fast or obrubt. We also watched other news programmes reporters so we had something to aim for when we were reporting our news storeys, we wanted it to be as realistic as possible and to make the viewer feel combfortable watching it.
(Example of a news report)
There are elements of our news programme that would not be in the usual conventions of a news programme, we have storeys that are light hearted and relaxed, our music story is a interview in a relaxed enviroment, this is want we aimed for because we wanted to do a regional news programme. However we do include national storeys but we put a local twist on them by showing the effects it has on the regional area. We thought by using local people as our target we would entice the majority of people in the area because most of the news is happening around them and will concern them or their children. Our interview with the lead singer of a local band would be good because everyone loves a local success story and this is what we aimed for.

Our main aims when we decided to do a news programme was to make it appeal to our target audience and to make it look professional. we belive we have achieved this through our variation of shots and editting. We also got possitive feedback from people about our title sequence, we included many establishing shots and music that would be under the genre of news programme, it gave the opening of our news programme a good professional feel.
(the first 25 seconds of the above video shows our music ^)
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