Friday, 18 February 2011
Radio trailor advert idea 1
2. F/X- building site noise
3. northern accents.
jeff - A'se bill!
bill - what gaffer?....
jeff - howd u fancy abit of overtime tonight?
bill - ooooo... dont know about that mate!
jeff - whys that? ...
bill - well, r lass likes me back to sit down and watch 6 news!
jeff - (shocked) 6 news?
bill - 'R 6 news!
jeff - 6 news... on at 6?
bill - no... half 5!
jeff - uphh (sigh) y'know back in my day
bill - oh not again! (under his breath)
advertising voice comes on
voice- 6 news, the best channel for all your local news, on week days from half 5! its not to be missed!
jeff- come on boys get a bloody move on!
Friday, 11 February 2011
Permission slip

Radio News Theme music
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Title Sequence - Shooting Script
SHOT 1 - LS of Town Hall
SHOT 2 - MS of mining memorial. Tilt up the memorial.
SHOT 3 - CU of metal poem monument.
SHOT 4 - XLS of town centre with shoppers walking around.
SHOT 5 - LS of town hall tower. Zoom out to XLS of the tower.
SHOT 6 - WS of Chronicle headquarters.
SHOT 7 - LS of mining monument with town hall in background. Tilt up to town hall tower.
SHOT 8 - LS of Arcade with people walking up and down.
SHOT 9 - CU of Civic sign. Zoom out to XLS of the sign with the whole building now visible. As image zooms out it also moves away whilst the 6News logo comes forward replacing it.
SHOT 10 - TS of the presenters with Title overlayed until it fades.
MS = Mid shot
LS = Long shot
XLS = Extreme long shot
TS = Two shot
WS = Wide-shot
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
News radio broadcasts
the clip is a video recording of a news beat featured on BBC i player which is one of the many ways you can catch up on radio news, including digital radio news and obviously the radio.
There are various different ways you can research radio advertising such as
This website was very good at giving me information. i have found that as well as news broadcasts, many other companies and businesses use radio advertising to reach a certain commercial audience, targeting different radio stations for what genre of audience are going to be listening. some of these could be sports channels, new films, new music, local businesses promoting offers on garden sheds or bathrooms etc, main industrial/commercial advertisers could be the likes of compare the, or insurance sellers and even offers at b&q.