Thursday, 16 December 2010
Why we have chosen 6 news
Our news programme is called 6 news because it will be aired at 6 o'clock, we chose this time because after our research of our audience we found that most people were likely to watch the news at this time. People get home from work and turn on the news or have it on in the background while making dinner. We thought about doing a morning news programme like This Morning or Day Break but wanted to do more formal news. We also wanted a simple name that people could remember. The simple name allowed us to create an ideallogo fora news programme.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010
behind the scenes
Above is a link to a video showing behind the scenses on the set of the studio. the presenters are preparing there lines and work also lighting is being set up and sound, aswell as the studio set and props.
Above is a link to a video showing behind the scenses on the set of the studio. the presenters are preparing there lines and work also lighting is being set up and sound, aswell as the studio set and props.
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Recession - South Yorkshire
The recession has hit South Yorkshire just as much as the rest of the UK, if not more. An 'Evening Post' report into the matter has revealed that Barnsley and Doncaster are to be the towns with the slowest recovery due to the large unemployment rate and the low levels of qualified workforce. Also affecting the recovery the fact that these towns have a low level of business start up rates meaning the the process of recovery is going to be much slower. Building large new buildings for business is out of the question is these times of recession so areas such as Barnsley may need to resort to more basic approach to recovery such as a focus on education, adult learning and transportation. This would make the area more appealing to new or stable businesses.
- Barnsley is currently undergoing the building and development of 5 secondary schools and the college.
- Unemployment rates have reached highs of 64% in some parts of Barnsley.
- Up to 14% of the working population are claiming incapacity benefits, much higher than the 7.2% average.
- Over 25% of the population live in council housing.
- The average income per household is £24,000, again significantly lower than the national average of £32,000.
- Children eligible for free school meals is far above the national average. (5,939)
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Script- Opening of the 6News programme
INT. News Room.
Camera zooms on News Readers:
Oliver: Hello and welcome to 6news with Jake Bretton and Oliver Neilson.
Jake: Good evening, on tonight's show there will be... story's of the Barnsley college rugby team and how they ave help the sporting reputation of the college, could they be as successful as there previous year?
Oliver: In further news we will be seeing how a band is trying to be signed by a music label, we've got a interview with the lead singer tom lodge.
Jake: But first, how the recession has hit Barnsley, we're going over to Josh Woolhouse who is interviewing local traders and their view on the situation.
Josh Woolhouse (voice over): The queues at the job centre are longer than ever before, unemployment rates are at an all time high, 64% in some areas, 14% of the working population are claiming incapacity benefits, over 25% of the working population live in council housing this is above the national average. Barnsley's average income is £24,000 per household which is well below the national average, 5,349 are eligible for free school dinners.
EXT. Outside.
Goes to live feed.
Josh Woolhouse: Hi, here I am outside one of Barnsley's many banks that has been hit by the recession and closed down. We're going to be finding out how the recession has hit local people in the South Yorkshire area and how its affected Yorkshire overall. Now let's go over to local tradeswoman Deborah in her shop.
Josh: That was Deborah, on of Barnsley's many shop owners who has seen a loss in profits. It's been like this for many people in South Yorkshire, many wondering when we are going to get out of it, if ever we are.
Oliver: Well these are difficult times and we can only hope things get better soon.
Jake: We can indeed, lots of people we know are struggling. Now for some more up-beat news.
Oliver: Yes! we're going over to the head coach of the Barnsley college Rugby team where he is hopeful that this season will be as successful as their last.
Over to reporter.
Reporter: You've had a lot of success last year winning the northeast cup, were you pleased with your teams performance through the stages?
Tom Bridges answers. (unscripted)
Reporter: We've come into a second season with his successful rugby team, what do you want to achieve this season?
Tom Bridges answers. (unscripted)
Reporter: Thank you very much for your time and best of luck for the forthcoming season.
Back to studio
INT. Studio.
Oliver: Brilliant, let's hope they achieve just that. Still to come, we have an interview with the lead singer of the Crossfires Thomas Lodge, and young gold sensation Dennis Powers has won his first tournament after turning pro.
(Graphic logo appears on screen)
Jake: Let's go live over to Jeremy Bishop who is interviewing the lead singer of The Crossfires Thomas Lodge.
EXT. Over to Jeremy in live interview.
Jeremy: I'm here with lead singer Thomas Lodge, nice to finally meet you Tom.
(Tom responds)
Jeremy: Congratulations on recent success, and I understand you have announced your tour dates?!
(tom responds)
Jeremy: How do you feel about being thrusted into the spotlight, I know you've been a local celebrity for quite sometime but your going nationwide now.
(Tom talks)
Jeremy: Well I wish you all the best.
INT. Back to studio.
Oliver: Brilliant, are you going to be supporting them on iTunes?
Jake: Yes, I think so.
Oliver: Good stuff, alright stay with us, after the ad break we have much more coming up.
Camera zooms on News Readers:
Oliver: Hello and welcome to 6news with Jake Bretton and Oliver Neilson.
Jake: Good evening, on tonight's show there will be... story's of the Barnsley college rugby team and how they ave help the sporting reputation of the college, could they be as successful as there previous year?
Oliver: In further news we will be seeing how a band is trying to be signed by a music label, we've got a interview with the lead singer tom lodge.
Jake: But first, how the recession has hit Barnsley, we're going over to Josh Woolhouse who is interviewing local traders and their view on the situation.
Josh Woolhouse (voice over): The queues at the job centre are longer than ever before, unemployment rates are at an all time high, 64% in some areas, 14% of the working population are claiming incapacity benefits, over 25% of the working population live in council housing this is above the national average. Barnsley's average income is £24,000 per household which is well below the national average, 5,349 are eligible for free school dinners.
EXT. Outside.
Goes to live feed.
Josh Woolhouse: Hi, here I am outside one of Barnsley's many banks that has been hit by the recession and closed down. We're going to be finding out how the recession has hit local people in the South Yorkshire area and how its affected Yorkshire overall. Now let's go over to local tradeswoman Deborah in her shop.
Josh: That was Deborah, on of Barnsley's many shop owners who has seen a loss in profits. It's been like this for many people in South Yorkshire, many wondering when we are going to get out of it, if ever we are.
Oliver: Well these are difficult times and we can only hope things get better soon.
Jake: We can indeed, lots of people we know are struggling. Now for some more up-beat news.
Oliver: Yes! we're going over to the head coach of the Barnsley college Rugby team where he is hopeful that this season will be as successful as their last.
Over to reporter.
Reporter: You've had a lot of success last year winning the northeast cup, were you pleased with your teams performance through the stages?
Tom Bridges answers. (unscripted)
Reporter: We've come into a second season with his successful rugby team, what do you want to achieve this season?
Tom Bridges answers. (unscripted)
Reporter: Thank you very much for your time and best of luck for the forthcoming season.
Back to studio
INT. Studio.
Oliver: Brilliant, let's hope they achieve just that. Still to come, we have an interview with the lead singer of the Crossfires Thomas Lodge, and young gold sensation Dennis Powers has won his first tournament after turning pro.
(Graphic logo appears on screen)
Jake: Let's go live over to Jeremy Bishop who is interviewing the lead singer of The Crossfires Thomas Lodge.
EXT. Over to Jeremy in live interview.
Jeremy: I'm here with lead singer Thomas Lodge, nice to finally meet you Tom.
(Tom responds)
Jeremy: Congratulations on recent success, and I understand you have announced your tour dates?!
(tom responds)
Jeremy: How do you feel about being thrusted into the spotlight, I know you've been a local celebrity for quite sometime but your going nationwide now.
(Tom talks)
Jeremy: Well I wish you all the best.
INT. Back to studio.
Oliver: Brilliant, are you going to be supporting them on iTunes?
Jake: Yes, I think so.
Oliver: Good stuff, alright stay with us, after the ad break we have much more coming up.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Research: Similar News Logos
Here are a few logos for other news shows similar to ours. We have developed our logo based on ideas and formats from other news programmes.
Our logo is a simple blue "6" in a thin black circle with "NEWS" written across the "6".
Our logo - 6News
National + Global news shows
Channel 4 News - Here is another incredibly simple news logo of a very successful news show.
SKY News
Local News shows
Our logo is a simple blue "6" in a thin black circle with "NEWS" written across the "6".
This idea was used as it's simple and is easily recogniseable. Much like the logos of other news programmes.
Our logo - 6News
National + Global news shows
ITV News - Another fairly simple yet easily recogniseable logo.
BBC News - This logo is arguable more simpler than ours and is world renown. It is this kind of logo we have tryed to recreate.
Channel 4 News - Here is another incredibly simple news logo of a very successful news show.
SKY News
Local News shows
ITV Calendar News
BBC Look North
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Different genres of news.
Our news programme is about the local area of barnsley and the surrounding area of south yorkshire, we will be talking about various news stories from around the area and what is happening with the local people's interests in mind. Aswell as mainly reporting on the local news we will also be reporting on counrty and worldwide stories. Our programme will feature various stories such as main healines in the news currently, sport stories, music stories, film reviews, weather and light hearted news of the local area. here are some links to varied genres of news websites and news programmes.
http://www.nme.com/news - Music
http://www.technologyreview.com/ - Technology
http://www.empireonline.com/forum/tm.asp?m=110274 - Film
http://www.skysports.com/ - Sports
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/ - National News
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006mj5m - Regional News
http://www.nme.com/news - Music
http://www.technologyreview.com/ - Technology
http://www.empireonline.com/forum/tm.asp?m=110274 - Film
http://www.skysports.com/ - Sports
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/ - National News
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006mj5m - Regional News
Shooting Script - 5 Minute News Broadcast
Opening five minutes of the 6News programme
Begins with Title sequence (See: Shooting script - Title sequence)Interior - Studio - Day Time
SHOT 1 - Two-Shot of the two presenters face on introducing the news and what's to come.
Exterior - Rugby Pitch - Day Time
SHOT 2 - LS of rugby scrum. (Voiced over by Presenter)
FADE to shot 3.
Interior - Music Room - Day Time
SHOT 3 - MS of musician playing the guitar. (Voiced over by Presenter)
SHOT 4 - CU of guitar handle with cords clearly visible. (Voiced over by Presenter)
Interior - Studio - Day Time
SHOT 5 - MCU of the male presenter whilst he introduces the first story.
Exterior - Job Centre - Day Time.
SHOT 6 - LS of the JobCentre with people quing up outside. (Voiced over by reporter)
PAN right to SHOT 7
SHOT 7 - CU of Jobcentre sign.
Exterior - town centre - Day Time
SHOT 8 - LS of Arcade entrance while shoppers enter and leave. The image slows down, stops and turns monochrome whilst facts appear. (Voiced over by reporter)
Exterior - Outside Bank - Day Time
SHOT 9 - LS of reporter outside a bank. (Text on screen)
FADE to shot 10
Exterior - Outside Shop - Day Time
SHOT 10 - LS of shop entrance whilst trader stands in doorway.
Fade to shot 11
Interior - Shop floor - Day Time
SHOT 11 - MS of a trader talking about the effects of the recession.
Exterior - Outside Bank - Day Time
SHOT 12 - MLS of reporter outside bank.
Interior - Studio - Day Time
SHOT 13 - Two-Shot of presenters talking about the rugby story.
Interior - Sports Room - Day Time
SHOT 14 - MCU of Tom Bridges being Interviewed
Exterior - Rugby Pitch - Day Time
SHOT 15 - VLS of a Line out in the rugby match. (Voiced over by interviewee)
Interior - Sports Room - Day Time
SHOT 16 - CU of Tom Bridges being interviewed.
Exterior - Rugby Pitch - Day Time
SHOT 17 - VLS of a conversion. (Voiced over by interviewee)
Interior - Sports Room - Day Time
SHOT 18 - MCU Tom Bridges being interviewed.
Exterior - Rugby Pitch - Day Time
SHOT 19 - VLS of the winning try as the player runs towards camera. (Voiced over by interviewee)
Interior - Sports Room - Day Time
SHOT 20 - MCU Tom Bridges being interviewed.
Exterior - Rugby Pitch - Day Time
SHOT 21 - LS of team celebrating (Voiced over by interviewee)
Interior - Sports Room - Day Time
SHOT 22 - MCU of Tom Bridges being interviewed.
Exterior - Barnsley Sports Academy - Day Time
SHOT 23 - LS of Barnsley sports academy. Text on screen. (Voiced over by interviewee)
Interior - Sports Room - Day Time
SHOT 24 - MCU of Tom Bridges' interview finishing.
Interior - Studio - Day Time
SHOT 25 - MCU of 2nd male reporter explaining what's still to come.
Interior - Lucorum - Day Time
SHOT 26 - MCU of musician waving, about to do an interview. (Voiced over by presenter)
Exterior - Golf Course - Day Time
SHOT 27 - CU of golf putter hitting a ball into hole. (Voiced over by Presenter)
SHOT 28 - LS of golfer chipping a ball. (Voiced over by Presenter)
6News Title appears on screen with theme tune
Interior - Studio - Day Time
SHOT 29 - Two-Shot of both presenters as they introduce the 3rd story.
Interior - Lucorum - Day Time
SHOT 30 - Two-Shot of reporter and musician talking about tour dates. Text on screen.
Exterior - Lucorum - Day Time
SHOT 31 - MS of Lucorum building. PAN left to LS of Lucorum sign. (voiced over by interviewee)
Interior - Lucorum - Day Time
SHOT 32 - Two-Shot of reporter and musician talking about the new album.
Interior - Music Shop - Day Time
SHOT 33 - CU of CD on shelve. Zoom out as some one takes last copy. (voiced over by interviewee)
Interior - Lucorum - Day Time
SHOT 34 - Two-Shot of reporter and musician talking about celebrity status.
Interior - Music Room - Day Time
SHOT 35 - MS of musician playing guitar. (voiced over by interviewee)
SHOT 36 - CU of musician's hand playing cords on guitar. (voiced over by interviewee)
Interior - Lucorum - Day Time
SHOT 37 - Two-Shot of reporter and musician signing off.
Interior - Studio - Day Time
SHOT 38 - Two-Shot of both presenters as they go to an ad break.
6News logo appears on-screen whilst theme tune plays out.
CU = Close-up
MS = Mid shot
MLS = Medium long shot
LS = Long shot
XLS = Extreme long shot
TS = Two-shot
Location Photos (new studio ideas)
New location ideas for the main studio of the news show. the first is set in gateway plaza in Barnsley centre. (first four photos) the second location is civic centre also in Barnsley Centre. (last three photos)

Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Location Photos
Friday, 22 October 2010
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